
Collserola Natural Park


The Parc Natural de Collserola frames the back of Barcelona and covers 11,000 hectares. There are countless great routes for hiking and mountain biking. One of the most popular panoramic routes is La Carretera de las Aguas, which can easily be accessed from the Funicular de Vallvidrera.

Situated just over the first ridge of mountains surrounding Barcelona you can get a view of some of the huge villas where the elite of Barcelona live. One of the main attractions in the park is the Villa Joana that houses the Verdaguer Museum, named after the Catalan poet Jacint Verdaguer. This is where he died in 1902 and  his rooms have been preserved. You will also see the original manuscript of one of his most famous books, La Atlàntida.

The park is very well organized and you can find all the information on routes, species, and plant life in the information centre.  There is a restaurant next door,  where you can refuel before your hike.

From the park you can also get a new perspective on the infamous white antenna that juts out next to Tibidabo. The park is very close to it so you can take in the real size of this telecommunications monster.


(Info centre:) Crta. de l’Esglèsia 92 – Crta. Vallvidrera-Sant Cugat, Km. 4,7
93 280 35 52




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